Welcome to the For Your InFARMation teacher's resource page!
Free teacher resources about Ohio livestock farming provided by the Ohio Livestock Coalition.

We hope you will find the materials below helpful in teaching your classes about the origins of the food they eat every day and livestock farming in Ohio.

These materials meet Ohio learning standards, including: RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.7, 3.MD.B.3, Geography 3.5, and more! for third grade and have been reviewed by a curriculum consultant who is also a third-grade teacher in Ohio. Please feel free to download and duplicate these materials as needed for your use in your classroom.


Student's Guide (8 total pages)

Teacher's Guide (6 total pages)

Worksheet 1: Ohio's TOP Livestock-Producing Counties

Worksheet 2: Keys to Safe, Healthy Food

Worksheet 3 and 4: Charts & Graphs and Science Careers

Lapbook Materials

Essay Guidelines

Essay Form

Smart board lessons are available!
To see the smart board lessons in action, click here for a video demonstration.

Click the links below to download the files.
Lesson 1 (Animal Care)Lesson 2 (Economics)Lesson 3 (Industry)


Click here to learn about and watch videos about Ohio farmers.

• Take a video field trip to an Ohio dairy farm by watching "A Day at the Farm."

Click here to watch videos about Ohio hog farmers.

• Explore Ohio's beef industry by clicking here.

• Discover the more than 200 crops and animals grown in Ohio at Our Ohio.

Click here to meet Ohio egg farmers and learn about egg production.

If you have questions or comments about the materials, please e-mail us.

Win a free field trip to a farm and $250 for classroom supplies for your entire class!

Do you want your students to experience an Ohio livestock farm firsthand? We are giving away a free, all-expenses-paid field trip for the class with the winning essay in our For Your InFARMation essay contest. Plus, the teacher of the winning essay also will receive a $250 gift card for classroom supplies.

For essay contest guidelines and entry deadlines, click here.
All essays are due by March 9, 2018.
Essay winners will be notified by April 6, 2018.

Materials provided by the For Your InFARMation program are for the express use of teachers in Ohio,
and may not be duplicated for any purpose other than classroom distribution. ©2012-18